Chinese university develops super cold-resistant e-skin for polar exploration

Image: Zhou Yuan/Xinhua,

Image: Zhou Yuan/Xinhua,

Researchers from China's Tianjin University have developed a new type of electronic skin for robotic hands, capable of functioning in extreme cold environments as low as minus 78 degrees Celsius. This innovation represents a great boon for the country's polar exploration. Ultralow temperature-tolerant electronic skins can provide polar robots with tactile feedback, enhancing their ability to explore polar environments.

As early as in 2020, the team developed the all-weather self-healing electronic skin, and the new version has been comprehensively upgraded. The new electronic skins can be wrapped around a robot's palm, accurately sensing pressure and recognizing the shape of objects and specific symbols under the extreme cold conditions of minus 78 degrees Celsius.

In addition, it has a self-healing function. Even After sustaining damage in extreme cold conditions, its transmission capability can be fully restored, making it adaptable for polar scientific research missions.

Source: Xinhua

Image: Zhou Yuan/Xinhua,